Two things I do every day to increase energy and avoid burnout

This image shows a tired and burnt out musican. The post talks about ways to increase energy and avoid burnout.

In this post, I’m going to take a break from the usual topics and talk about how you can increase energy and avoid burnout.

As we approach the New Year, many of us are able to take time to think about our goals for the coming year.

Whatever your own personal goals or resolutions, one thing most of us would like more of is time and energy.

As musicians or composers, we often have a second job, as well as family commitments and the demands of day-to-day life.  Our musical endeavours might be restricted to an hour or two in the evening. But if we are too tired from our day job it’s going to be a struggle to make much progress in this small window.

On top of this, we can experience ‘burnout’ which leaves us mentally and physically exhausted and lacking the motivation to keep working towards our goals.

While it’s not always possible to make more time, we can however maximise our own energy which in turn allows us to make the most of the time we have.

Lack of energy is something that I have struggled with in the past. Previously I have put this down to a long-term medical condition, Ulcerative Colitis, and I assumed there wasn’t much I could do about it. However, in the past year, I have begun to find ways of increasing my energy using only natural methods.

Here are the two things I do every day to increase my energy:-

1. Cold Exposure

In the summer I started to take a short cold shower every day. I do this at the end of a normal warm shower and turn the water to cold for the last 20 – 30 seconds. I have gradually increased the length of time in the cold shower to between 1 and a half to 2 minutes.  After the cold shower, I feel great, energised and ready for the day.

I heard about the benefits of cold showers through Wim Hof, who is also known as ‘the Iceman’. You can find more information on his Youtube Channel, podcast and books. (

It can be hard at first to force yourself into the cold water. Nobody likes to be cold.

But you will find the benefits far outweigh the negatives.  Our bodies are capable of regulating our temperatures and you will find that after the cold shower you will quickly warm up again. I find I have more energy that lasts longer throughout the day.

But the benefits go way beyond increased energy: the Wim Hof method has been used to help people with auto-immune diseases and depression amongst other ailments. As Wim says in his book: ‘A Cold shower a day keeps the doctor away’.

2. Breathing Techniques

As the cold showers started giving me a boost in energy, I looked further into it. I decided to read Wim Hoff’s book and learnt more about cold exposure and his breathing techniques.

In ‘The Wim Hof Method’ the author describes how to use conscious breathing to increase body temperature, energy and much, much more.

The basic technique involves taking 30 – 40 deep breaths without pausing between each breath.  After the final breath out, you then go for as long as you can without breathing. At the beginning, you may only manage 30 -60 seconds but this will increase with time.  When you feel the need to breathe, take one deep breath in and hold this for 15 seconds. Then you breathe out and start again, with another round of 30 – 40 deep breaths.  You should repeat this cycle 3 or 4 times to get the most out of it. The whole routine takes about 15 – 20 minutes.


These breathing techniques, combined with the cold showers, have helped to maximise my energy.  You can also use these breathing exercises to help keep you warm when exposed to the cold.  Wim Hof has conducted various experiments to prove these claims which are backed up by science.

So, there we have it. Two simple techniques you can use every day to increase your energy.

With increased energy, I am able to get more done. When I sit down to compose, work on music or any of my projects, I feel motivated and have enough creative energy and the ability to concentrate.   

Why not try it? What have you got to lose?

Wishing you all a great start to the New Year and an excellent 2022!

In the comments below let me know what techniques you use to avoid burnout and increase your energy.

If you’ve tried the Wim Hof method I’d love to know you are getting on with it.

To find out more about the Wim Hof Method:

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